Unitary matrices for the noncoherent differential MIMO channel

It is well known that unitary matrices are required for transmission over noncoherent MIMO channels. Furthermore, these matrices have to achieve full diversity, that is, the determinant of the difference of any two matrices has to be nonzero. Among the algebraic approaches to that problem, the representation of fixed point free groups has been studied (Shokrollahi et al.), and the use of Lie groups representation has been considered (Hassibi et al.). We present a new approach using cyclic algebras, which yields infinite families of fully diverse unitary matrices. A first application of the technique studied above yields a generalization of families of matrices obtained by Shokrollahi et al. using fixed point free groups. This is presented in The general machinery as well as new code constructions for 3 and 4 antennas are presented in:

Joint work with E. Lequeu.

Last update: June 3 2006